The 2022 Night Glow cancelled due to Red alert level
Festival organisers have made the difficult decision to pare back the Easter weekend programme to ensure some parts of the festival can go ahead under alert level Red. The great news is that the daily ascensions from all 5 Wairarapa locations can still go ahead under any alert level. These ascensions make for some awe inspiring entertainment for the whole family which can be enjoyed from a nearby park, or if you're local, from the comfort of your own backyard!
Unfortunately the “Night Glow” ticketed event that was planned for Saturday 16 April has had to be cancelled due to the Red level restrictions.
For Night Glow ticket holders and camping ticket holders you have the option to transfer your tickets to next year’s event (Saturday 8 April, 2023) , donate your tickets to the event, or get a refund on your tickets (minus any Eventfinda imposed booking and credit card fees). Please email support@eventfinda.co.nz with your order ID and your option to donate or transfer your ticket. Please do not email if you are wanting a refund as these will automatically be refunded after Friday 11 February 2022.
Camping will still be available for the extended Easter period (12 – 19 April, 2022) at Clareville Showgrounds. You will need to rebook this directly through Clareville Showgrounds, please contact them by email office@waiaps.org.nz, or phone 06 3798124. For more information see our Campervans page.
Thanks again for your support, and we apologise for any inconvenience. We look forward welcoming the full festival programme back in 2023!